Johannes Gebert


Johannes Gebert has about 10 years of experience as a design, structural, and software engineer. His graduate studies connected him to the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS). He joined as a PhD student of Prof. Resch to work on the interface of domain-specific research with HPC. The PhD report, submitted in June 2024, describes a novel method to calculate anisotropic elasticities of human trabeculae in vivo. A research visit at the Innovative Computing Laboratory (ICL) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), strengthened his background in HPC. He joined HLRS in a permanent position to focus on innovative computing machinery to accelerate the computational capabilities of future research.

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High-performance computing centers conduct research to enable large-scale computations and simulations for domain-specific researchers. Hardware vendors, their research and development teams, and software engineers must collaborate to prepare all levels of such HPC stacks.

The research focuses on innovative computing machinery and the gap between new computing paradigms and existing and future HPC simulations. We analyze the software’s needs, optimize the best-suited hardware approaches, and work on the missing links between these domains.

AI workflows and AI workflows to optimize traditional HPC workflows will require heterogeneous hardware approaches. Extensive research must ensure technical feasibility, software that does not offset the probable advantages of new accelerators, and reasonable total cost.